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Fire Safety Tips for Christmas Holidays

Fire Safety Tips for Christmas Holidays

Christmas is a time for celebration, but it can also be dangerous. During the Christmas season, many of the things we enjoy, such as fairy lights, candles, trees and decorations, can cause fires. Quickshipfire, the best fire alarm equipment supplier company in USA has put together a list of Christmas Fire Safety Tips so that […]

Different Types of Fire Alarm Initiating Devices

Different Types of Fire Alarm Initiating Devices

The fire alarm initiating devices in a fire alarm system detects signs of fire and activates an alarm. They are the system’s triggers and its most visible element. Initiating devices are connected to the alarm system’s control panel via 2- or 4-way circuits and are under the control panel’s constant surveillance. In the event of […]

House Fires

House Fires: How Can They Be Prevented?

The thought of losing your home to a fire is terrifying, but there are plenty of things you can do to prevent house fires from starting. Even though accidents happen, there are ways to prevent fires from spreading. Learn how to prevent house fires, electrical fires, and grease fires with our fire prevention tips. Check […]

Tips to Prevent Fires in Businesses

Tips to Prevent Fires in Businesses

Fire safety at work is paramount since many businesses are prone to fires. Business fires can be devastating, destroying lives and property worth billions of dollars. According to the US Fire Administration, over 100,000 fires were reported in the United States between 2014 and 2016. As a result of these fires, 90 people died on […]

How does an inspection test for fire alarms work

How does an inspection test for fire alarms work?

NFPA 72, also known as the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, defines inspection and testing requirements for fire alarm systems. The purpose of these requirements is to ensure that fire alarm systems are always maintained and function properly. In this article, we will discuss about How often should a fire alarm system be inspected, […]

False Alarm

False Alarm Causes and Potential Solutions

False alarm is often caused by activities near fire detectors, particularly smoke detectors. In order to prevent unwanted false alarms, you should consider the following causes and solutions. Cooking fumes Ensure that cooking is only permitted in designated areas that have appropriate fire detection devices (usually heat detectors). Additionally, the proper use of extractor fans […]

Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Alarm Systems in Commercial Buildings Vs. Residential Buildings

One of the common threats to both homes and businesses is fires. The absence of fire alarm system can result in substantial unfavorable consequences, such as financial and material losses, loss of emotional wellbeing, and even death. Smoke detectors and fire alarms are essential components of a fire detection system in commercial and residential buildings. […]

Fire Codes

Fire Codes – what are they and why do they matter?

One should familiarize themselves with municipal and state fire codes if they’re buying or building a commercial structure. This is true not just so your building passes all inspections, but for the safety of those who will inhabit it. Here are a few things to know about fire codes: What are fire codes? Fire codes […]

Fire Alarm Control Panel

Fire Alarm Control Panel: Everything You Need to Know

A Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) is the heart of your fire protection system. They’re the link between devices that detect hazards and devices that alert people. Smoke alarms and manual pull stations transmit signals to your Fire Alarm Control Panel. As a result of these signals, a series of events occur that alert building […]

Smoke Detectors

Why are Smoke Detectors so Important?

A matter of seconds could mean the difference between life and death in a fire. Therefore, a properly installed smoke detector can be a great asset. In fact, every house should have smoke detectors installed. They notify you before the fire starts, which reduces the risk of death. The National Fire Protection Association reports that […]

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