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Know Your Suitable Type of Fire Detector

Are you unsure which fire detector is right for your business? You don’t need to know! QuickShipFire is ready to help you create the ideal fire protection system for you. There are actually four different types of detectors that are used to sense the presence of a fire. The difference is in whether they can […]

Fire Protection Equipment: How is it important?

Fire is a constant threat. Many business owners believe that fire is not a threat that will ever come knocking at their doors. Fires can happen at any moment, for any reason, and they can happen anywhere. It is crucial to have fire protection equipment that is reliable and backed up with dedicated fire protection […]

Property Owners – Fire Inspection Checklist

The following checklist, prepared by QuickShipFire, will assist you in ensuring safety and security for your property and its occupants. It will increase your awareness about fire safety and the effective and immediate ways to protect property and lives. You will see that certain items can be handled internally while others require certification as a […]

How Long Do Residential Smoke Alarms Work?

The safety of every home is ensured by smoke alarms. According to the National Fire Protection Association of the United States, almost 60% of all fire deaths happen in homes without smoke detectors. However, even though these devices are vital, it is equally dangerous to use an old one. The most fire alarms last between […]

Are You Aware About When to Update or Replace Your Fire Alarm System?

Although it might seem like a waste to test your fire alarm system regularly, it is vital that it is up-to-date in the event of an emergency. In the case of an emergency, a new or updated system can protect your workforce. These are the main indicators that your fire alarm device should be replaced […]

Fire Safety Do’s and Don’ts

We all know how dangerous fire is, but do you know what to do in a fire? Are you and your family equipped to deal with this eventuality? If you are not sure, or want more information, we have written an article containing fire safety tips.  We’ve got some great fire prevention tips, advice and […]

How to Choose the Right Smoke Detector

Are you planning to upgrade your Smoke Detector? Here are some useful tips for the Right selection of Smoke Detector. In fires, early warning is critical. So don’t wait until it’s too late. Smoke alarms are one of the best and least expensive ways to provide early warning when a fire begins. When properly installed […]

Raise Your Level of Fire Protection at Your Home

When there is a time to enjoy your favourite holiday traditions, celebrating around the table, and making new memories with friends and family. To ensure that the festivities are both happy and safe, here are some useful holiday season fire safety tips from QuickShipFire. Fire safety is a fundamental consideration in building design and management, […]

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