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Fire Safety Hazards for Banks & Financial Institutions

6 Fire Safety Hazards for Banks & Financial Institutions

Commercial buildings often use different fire protection methods. This may be due to the construction of the building or what types of items are in the building. Banks and financial institutions, for example, have their own requirements for fire safety systems, as well as special fire hazards unique to that type of business. Why fire […]

The Importance of Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Monitoring

The Importance of Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Monitoring

If you have a fire alarm or sprinkler system in your building, you may feel that you are fully protected. However, there is one more important step to take. You need to make sure these important systems are monitored continuously. Not only does 7×24 monitoring give you peace of mind, it can save your life, […]

The 6 Most Common Fire Alarm Questions and Answers

The 6 Most Common Fire Alarm Questions and Answers

If you own a business, a commercial fire alarm system is necessary in the place. Fire safety equipment like this ensures the safety of you, your employees, and your customers. Additionally, they are usually required by the local AHJ. Many business owners have similar questions about commercial fire alarms and how to maintain them. Fire […]

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